His Holiness performs Kumbhabhishekam of Sri Indireswarar and Sri Jayanteswarar Temples in Kanchi
3 June 2010

The Kumbhabhishekam of Sri Indireswarar and Sri Jayanteswarar Temples in Kanchipuram were performed today in the presence of Their Holinesses Pujyasri Jayendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya Swamiji and Pujyasri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi Sankaracharya Swamiji.

In Kanchi, the town of 1000 temples, Sri Jayanteeswarar and Sri Indireswarar Temples are located at some distance behind the world famous Kailasanathar Temple. Indra and his son Jayanta offered worship to Lord Shiva and hence, the names Indireswarar and Jayanteeswarar.

These two temples were in a dilapidated state. At the command of His Holiness, the temples were renovated. Yagasala pujas were done and this morning, the Kumbhabhishekam to the two temples were performed in the benign presence of His Holiness. Devotees gathered enthusiastically and participated in the event. Prasadams were given and annadaanam was organized on the occasion.

Indreswarar- Jayanteswarar
Their Holiness at the Indreswarar Temple
Indreswarar- Jayanteswarar
Indreswarar- Jayanteswarar
Jayanteswarar Temple before and after renovation
Indreswarar Temple before and after renovation

Indreswarar- Jayanteswarar
His Holiness observing a child enthusiastically collecting Teertham (Sanctified Water)
Indreswarar- Jayanteswarar
Yaga Sala Pujas

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